Nowadays more and more people are choosing at-home workout for various reasons. One major reason is that we cannot go to gyms anymore. Gyms across the globe are shutting due to the Coronavirus. This leaves people who regularly worked out in gyms and they are wondering where to start their next workout. Fortunately, we now have plenty of At-Home Workout programs or equipment. On this article, I would like to share 5 must-have items for at-home workout.
1. Gym Ball

Gym ball is a perfect item not only for a child`s plaything but also for at-home workout. The gym ball slims your legs and firms your figure. It also improves your posture and balance. Here`s 9 best exercises with a gym ball. Push up crunch, V-sit pass the ball, Wall squat, plank rollout, split squat, hamstring curl, leg rotation, deadbug and seated balance. A gym ball a day keeps the doctor away.
2. Dumbbell

Benjamin Franklin himself wrote in a letter to his son saying “I live temperately, drink no wine, and use daily the exercise of the dumbbell.” Dumbbells are a perfect workout item for many reasons. First, due to the movement freedom, you can increase range of motion than a barbell. Second, also due to the movement freedom, you need more stabilisation and that means you can increase your small muscle.
3. Kettlebell

Kettlebell Training can be very effective. It has an ability to move from one side to other and flow to one exercise to other. For example you can start with press and then move to squat, swing, maybe change hands, high-pull and lastly end with lunge. With a kettlebell, your exercise can be done from Alpha to Omega.
4. InBody Band2

This one is for all you devotees of any types of workouts. The InBody BAND2 is the world`s first wearable body composition analyser. It is a fitness tracker that can measure one`s body fat, skeletal muscle mass, steps and calories. Users are able to do EZ Training which assists one`s fitness routine by tracking reps, calories burned, and duration of your workouts. You can also get notifications of any incoming calls and texts. Lastly it automatically monitors how long and how well you sleep. If you want further information, please check our website!
5. Yoga Mat

A yoga mat is not a necessity for a home workout. However, there are a few reasons why we`d better use a yoga mat. First, it is hygienic. No matter what type of exercise you do, most probably you`re going to sweat. Second, yoga mat will provide some cushion and comfort for your joints.
By following right methods at home, you can lose fat and gain muscle. You can do exercises at home as effective as gyms. With InBody, managing your body composition is not a difficult thing; it is rather a pleasant journey. So let`s get started.